Sweet Bear Rescue Farm

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We met some of the good folks representing Sweet Bear Rescue Farm distributing literature and accepting donations at Rhythm and Blues last night. Sweet Bear Rescue Farm is tucked away in the center of Flat Rock and home to approximately 40 animals with a constant revolving door of fosters and rescues.

Operated by Lisa McDonald and Joe Dinan - founders of another local favorite - Sanctuary Brewing Company - the farm is the culmination of a dream.

“This is something Joe and I have been dreaming about for years,” says Lisa. “As vegans, we believe in the inherent value of all life, and we want to save every animal we possibly can. This is our life’s mission, and Sweet Bear is a place where all animals will be safe and loved for their entire lives.”

See more about the kindness and good work being exhibited every day at kindnessempire.com. Ollie, Maggie, Shadow, and George will be glad you did!